In an ultra-hyper connected world, where pretty most everything in our daily lives has become digital, how do we then disconnect to reconnect and find the right balance?
The extension of our online connection has become almost 24/7 and a fine line between our professional and personal world has become increasingly difficult to draw.
I’m no different from any of you when it comes to being highly dependent on several digital tools and platforms to perform my job on a daily basis as well as keeping my social life alive.
If you can’t escape you have to learn how to live with it – that’s what I say to myself and to all of you. Work with it but don’t let it work against you.
It is vital that we find a balance that is conducive to our own health, lessening the potential impact of constantly being connected. Here, we are talking about the recognised impact on our circadian rhythm aka sleep, energy levels, blood sugar regulation, mood and hormonal balance…the list goes on.
Thus, in October, make a pledge to disconnect to reconnect with yourself, others and the world around by trying my 5 S.M.A.R.T. ways to disconnect to reconnect.

5 S.M.A.R.T. Ways to Disconnect to Reconnect:
1. Avoid doing any work-related tasks whilst commuting on public transport. Just sit and relax. Listen to music or a podcast, read a book or just sit still and smile. You may notice things you have never noticed like the beautiful eyes of the person sitting in front of you or the intriguing book that someone is reading on the bus.
2. Watching TV or a series can be a great way to unwind before bed, however we are still exposing ourselves to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from our TVs or laptops, which continues to wire up our brains and keep us alert. What about alternating days or times, or set a number of hours to watch TV/series and/or spend more time dedicating yourself to more mindful activities such as meditating, reading or journalling?
To know more about EMFs and get yours, send me an email or go visit this page.

3. Do regular social media/digital detox days/breaks or restrict your social media/online time exposure. If an entire day is still difficult to go without, maybe start with what is realistic for you at the moment. Progressively, one hour may turn into 2-3 hours.
How many of us complain that we don’t have enough time to do the things we love, to try new hobbies or activities if we are constantly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram?
4. Be in the moment and put your phone down when with your friends/family or engaging in household chores or social activities. Your post or story on Instagram can wait to be uploaded or that WhatsApp message can be replied later in time.
Cherish the moment and each second of your life and loved ones. We live in the present and time doesn’t go back.
Smell, see, touch, hear and taste mindfully.
5. Rediscover the peace and beauty of things you can naturally sense or feel. Replace apps or kindles for handwriting, notebooks, paperbacks. postcards, letters or simply just knit, craft, cook or do whatever makes you feel happy, more connected with all of your senses and in the here and now.
Share your comments below about how do you disconnect to reconnect and find a balance