one-to-one holistic Nutritional Therapy & Lifestyle
Are you looking to transform your eating habits and lifestyle, improving and
optimising your physical and mental health?
These are the 3 ways I can help you with:

Nutrition & Lifestyle MOT
If you are interested in improving your overall health and wellbeing but not sure how and where to start
if you don’t have any specific health concerns or conditions but want to know if you are getting the best out of your diet and lifestyle habits – a golden opportunity to get all of your questions answered
If you want to get key simple and practical dietary and lifestyle changes that will help you to improve your overall health and wellbeing
If you are short on time or money, not quite ready yet to commit to an Initial or 3-month Nutritional Therapy & Lifestyle Package or simply need a MOT after a while to ensure you are still on the right track with your nutrition and lifestyle
- 60-minute session
- Up to up to 6 key personalised dietary and 3 lifestyle recommendations
- Brief health & wellbeing assessment of current dietary and lifestyle habits
- Free copy of my ebook ‘The Little ebook of Nutrition, Mindset & Lifestyle’
- Recipes and meal suggestions not included
- Supplemental/functional testing recommendations not included
Initial Package
If you would like go back on top of your health and wellbeing or implement new habits/routines but don’t want commit to a 3-month package the initial package may be the best option for you
- 1 initial consultation (up to 90 minutes) + 1 follow-up (up to 60 minutes) after 3-4 weeks
- Comprehensive Health & wellbeing assessment
- Weekly complementary support over email (on demand)
- Personalised key dietary and lifestyle recommendations
- Personalised supplemental/functional testing recommendations
- Recipes and meal suggestions
- Referrals to other health practitioners & collaborative work with primary care services (e.g. GP’s) included
- Free copy of my ebook ‘The Little ebook of Nutrition, Mindset & Lifestyle’
- Referrals to other health practitioners & collaborative work with primary care services (e.g. GP’s).
- Complementary blood test analysis and interpretation (on demand)
*sessions can be also spread out over 6 weeks
3-Month Package
If you have specific health concerns or chronic conditions that may require a greater level of support and investigation the 3-month package may be the best option for you
- 1 Initial session (up to 90 minutes) + 3 follow-up sessions (up to 1 hour) over a period of 3 months
- Weekly complementary support over email (on demand)
- Comprehensive Health & wellbeing assessment
- Personalised dietary & lifestyle recommendations
- Personalised supplemental/functional testing recommendations
- Recipes and meal suggestions
- Free copy of my ebook ‘The Little ebook of Nutrition, Mindset & Lifestyle’
- Referrals to other health practitioners & collaborative work with primary care services (e.g. GP’s).
- Complementary blood test analysis and interpretation (on demand)
Note: Payment facilities can be offered upon initial agreement; a minimum of £200/100€ deposit paid upfront is required to start your 3-month package.
Fees include time spent preparing and researching for your case before and during our journey together.
It also includes any referrals or supporting letters/documentation needed for other health professionals/services or welfare benefits (Initial or 3-month package).
Online and face-to-face sessions available (for Portuguese and English speakers)
Extra room hire fee of £16 per 50 minutes for face-to-face sessions
Face-to-face: Clapham North & Clapham Junction – South West London
Face-to-face sessions can be also held for free in community spaces
Extra Support Services:
What people are saying...
H. Rosário
"What I find more interesting about Cátias’ work is her holistic approach while dealing with her patients/clients. I remember that when I started my sessions, she requested my GP's contact details, considering that a person-centred care should be provided, making sure that the main health professionals should be involved while I am focussing in improving my general health. By having this holistic approach, I believe that Cátia is making a difference in many people’s lives, such as in my life. Since I started my sessions, the strategies I have been learning so far have been helping me to cope with my anxiety and my eating habits are changing gradually. I strongly believe that I am going in the right direction to my optimal body-mind health."
Ready for a change? Let's talk.